Learn how to make a resume in Pagedown!
Welcome to the kick-off of our three-part career series! Over the next three months, we will host events to further develop your skillset and data science network.
Whether or not you’re on the job hunt, your resume is an extension of your professional self, so it is important to keep your resume fresh. For our kick-off, Scarlett Winters will lead a tutorial on how to build your resume using pagedown. You will walk away from this tutorial with the skills to prove to employers you know how to code in R well before your interview!
Yourself/friends! And a laptop - this will be an interactive event.
Please note:
Our primary mission is to encourage more women and non-binary individuals to get involved in the R community. As such, we strongly encourage that all men who attend this event have a female or non-binary sponsor, as spots may be limited. Please contact chicago@rladies.org if you have questions.
Be sure to RSVP on Meetup